“Nothing in life is trivial. Life is whole wherever and whenever we touch it, and one moment or event is not less sacred than another.”
“Rick Perry has made so many gaffes lately, it is hard to tell if he's running against President Obama or Joe Biden.”
“Usability is like love. You have to care, you have to listen, and you have to be willing to change. You’ll make mistakes along the way, but that’s where growth and forgiveness come in.”
“I read recently that the problem with stereotypes isn't that they are inaccurate, but that they're incomplete. And this captures perfectly what I think about contemporary African literature. The problem isn't that it's inaccurate, it's that it's incomplete.”
Source : "African Writer Helps Put Her Community On Media Map". "Tell Me More" with Michel Martin, www.npr.org. June 20, 2011.
“The supreme purpose of history is a better world.”
“I just love dressing up in everything a man is supposed not to be, in all that vulnerability, sweetness, preciousness and impracticality.”
Source : "Top of the pots". Interview with Stuart Jeffries, www.theguardian.com. November 21, 2003.
“Americans are a can-do people, an enthusiastic people, a problem-solving people. And when given a direction and given a plan, they'll sign on.”
Source : "A Call For 'Big Citizenship'". www.cnn.com.
“Keeping up is a fool's game; seek advantage instead.”