“As any war veteran will tell you, there is a vast difference between preparing for battle and actually facing battle for the first time. You can be told that reading Victor Hugo will sap your will to live, but you can't understand what it means until you've read a few chapters and your eyes are glazed over and someone has to revive you with a defibrillator.”
Source : "Tricked". Book by Kevin Hearne, April 24, 2012.
“Sins cannot be undone, only forgiven.”
“I kind of think we have too many guns in this country,”
“We must turn the greatest collective challenge facing humankind today, climate change, into the greatest opportunity for common progress towards a sustainable future”
Source : "Big Idea 2014: The Year for Climate Action" by Ban Ki-moon, www.un.org. December 10, 2013.
“The test of a real comedian is whether you laugh at him before he opens his mouth.”
“I tend to read more nonfiction, really, because when I'm writing I don't like to read other fiction.”
“Led Zeppelin is the greatest. Robert Plant is one of the most original vocalists of our time. As a rock band they deserve the kind of success they're getting.”
“Lombardi has to have the highest threshold of pain in the world - none of our injuries hurts him at all.”
Source : Jerry Kramer (2008). “Instant Replay: The Green Bay Diary of Jerry Kramer”, p.112, Anchor