#Mind Quotes #Pouring Quotes #Coins Quotes
“Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.”
“Regardless, for me, I feel a personal obligation and a social responsibility.”
Source : "Ellen Page Joins HRCF's Time to Thrive Conference". Youtube video, www.youtube.com. February 14, 2014.
Source : Drew Brees (2010). “Coming Back Stronger: Unleashing the Hidden Power of Adversity”, p.23, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
“Envy's a sharper spur than pay.”
Source : 'Fables' (1727) 'The Elephant and the Bookseller' l. 74
Abraham Lincoln
16th U.S. President
Alexander Hamilton
Founding Father of the United States
George Washington
1st U.S. President
James Madison
4th U.S. President
John Adams
2nd U.S. President
Jonathan Edwards
Thomas A. Edison
Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. President
Thomas Paine