“There are a few really fantastic stories left, and that kind of gives you some inspiration to find even new ones.”
“My dad was proud of himself when he farted. He sounds like he's strangling a chicken when he farts.”
Source : "Carl Barron Live". Comedy, 2003.
“Some authority on parenting once said, "Hold them very close and then let them go." This is the hardest truth for a father to learn: that his children are continuously growing up and moving away from him (until, of course, they move back in).”
“What one skill, if you developed it, could have the greatest positive impact on your career? This is the key to your future.”
“If you get far enough away you'll be on your way back home.”
Source : Song: Blind Love, Album: Rain Dogs
“What passes for love is imperfect knowledge. Not knowing, initially, allows faithlessness to dress up as its opposite; casts the inarticulate as enigmatic, the selfish as forgetful, the angry as impassioned.”
“But Hitler didn't strive for the annihilation of the Jews - he stressed that fact in public life and in the newspapers. Hitler merely said at the beginning that Jewish influence was too great, that of all the lawyers in Berlin, eighty percent were Jewish. Hitler thought that a small percentage of the people, the Jews, should not be allowed to control the theater, cinema, radio, et cetera.”
Source : Said to Leon Goldensohn, March 30, 1946. "The Nuremberg Interviews". Book by Leon Goldensohn, 2004.
“What I ended up doing was becoming an actor who didn't mind doing other people's words.”