#Color Quotes #Mind Quotes #Identity Quotes
Source : Source: www.nbcnews.com
“I won't even think about acting in a role where I didn't do a back story for a character.”
“God wants to do immeasurably more in & through your life than you could ask.”
Source : Moses Harvey (1886). “Where are We and Whither Tending?: Three Lectures on the Reality and Worth of Human Progress”
“You need an R rating because without one, you can't advertise and the film won't get shown”
Source : "Mike Huckabee: Newtown Shooting No Surprise, We’ve ‘Systematically Removed God’ From Schools" By Paige Lavender, www.huffingtonpost.com. December 14, 2012.
Allen West
Former United States Representative
Ann Coulter
Hugh Hewitt
Radio host
Laura Ingraham
Radio host
Mark Levin
Mark Steyn
Monica Crowley
Radio personality
Rush Limbaugh
Talk show host
Sean Hannity