“Women do not dress specifically for men or against other women. They dress for their subconscious.”
“To limit the press is to insult a nation; to prohibit reading of certain books is to declare the inhabitants to be either fools or knaves.”
Source : "A Treatise on Man: His Intellectual Faculties & His Education", Vol. I by Claude Adrien Helvetius, translated by W. Hooper, 1777.
“Maybe I think too much.”
“They hadn't even gotten their first paychecks yet, ... My biggest thing was giving them a sense of reality and what costs would be. We outlined costs and a budget, and by the time we finished they said they could take maybe one vacation a year. They started to understand reality versus their dreams.”
“The purpose of Jesus's coming is to put the whole world right, to renew and restore the creation, not to escape it.”
“Thou you thrust your dagger at my eye, I will not flinch.”
“I love the gothic literature. It always has such great stories with characters bigger than life and the stakes are always high. And because there's always a wolf at the door, the emotions are high; the romance, the sexuality, friendships, and relationships. You don't know if the guy kissing you one minute is going to bite you the next. This heightens all of the sensibilities and emotions, and therefore, it sings to me. And that's where the music comes from.”
Source : Interview with Pati Buehler, www.broadwayworld.com. June 13, 2004.
“All women do have a different sense of sexuality, or sense of fun, or sense of like what's sexy or cool or tough.”
Source : "Angelina Jolie and the Torture of Fame". Interview with John H. Richardson, www.esquire.com. January 29, 2007.