Source : Martin Chemnitz (1971). “Examination of the Council of Trent”
Martin Chemnitz#Writing Quotes #Church Quotes #Doctrine Quotes
Source : Isaac McLellan (1830). “The Fall of the Indian: With Other Poems”, p.25
“It's a faithless love, but you hit four good shots and you've started your day right.”
“Design is a constant challenge to balance comfort with luxe, the practical with the desirable.”
“All pleasures must be paid for, do not despise those that state their price.”
Source : Amin Maalouf (1994). “The Rock of Tanios”, George Braziller
Source : Deena Metzger (2009). “Writing for Your Life: Discovering the Story of Your Life's Jou”, p.7, Harper Collins
Adolf von Harnack
Desiderius Erasmus
Huldrych Zwingli
Political leader
John Calvin
John Knox
Martin Luther