#Learning Quotes #Bugs Quotes #Problem Quotes
“If there's anything I think that you've seen about me, it's that I'm the rebellious girl.”
Source : John Sterling (1848). “Essays and Tales: Fragments from the travels of Theodore Elbert. Thoughts. Tales and apologues”, p.109
Source : John Bradshaw (2010). “Healing the Shame that Binds You”, p.78, Health Communications, Inc.
“Many men today are running on adrenaline and not anointing.”
“Whatever the drama of the story is, you have to be true to it.”
Brian Kernighan
Computer Scientist
Dennis Ritchie
Computer Scientist
Guido van Rossum
Computer programmer
Guy Steele
Computer Scientist
Ken Thompson
Computer Designer
Larry Wall
Linus Torvalds
Software Engineer
Miguel de Icaza
Richard Stallman