“Some people made me out like the villain. I'm supposed to be the Bond villain, but actually I'm James Bond.”
Source : "Vincent Tan would consider return to blue if Cardiff City win promotion". www.theguardian.com. May 11, 2014.
“If you are in the closet and fall in love with someone of the same gender, it doesn't automatically remove the shame and fear that's kept you locked away. The love you are experiencing encourages you to face the reality that this is who you really are and also has the power to set you free. The richness, beauty and depths of love can only be fully experienced in a climate of complete openness, honesty and vulnerability. Love, the most powerful of human emotions, is calling you to freedom and wholeness.”
“As a cabin boy on a Norwegian sailing ship I earned five kronen a week in addition to my keep.”
“We need to broaden our sympathies both in space and time - and perceive ourselves as part of a long heritage, and stewards for an immense future.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“It's always intimidating to meet an icon.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“Unhappiness comes when you try to be like everyone else rather than embracing the unique person that you are.”
“Probably the biggest thing around not training correctly is eating. You've got to fuel your system correctly, and I think what we're very unfortunate with in this country [UK] is the [lack of] education around food and nutrition.”
Source : Source: www.askmen.com
“To fight evil with activity is like fighting darkness with one's hands. So what you need is light, not fit.”