Source : "Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace", October 24, 2010.
#Morning Quotes #Virginia Quotes #People Quotes
Source : Song: Luckenbach, Texas
“Taste is something quite different from fashion, superior to fashion.”
“What you are thinking, what shape your mind is in, is what makes the biggest difference of all.”
Source : Willie Mays, Charles Einstein (1966). “Willie Mays: My Life in and Out of Baseball”
Source : George Howe Colt (2006). “November of the Soul: The Enigma of Suicide”, p.175, Simon and Schuster
“When you experience resistance, you find the lessons that you are meant to learn”
Harry Reid
United States Senator
Heather Bresch
Heidi Heitkamp
United States Senator
Jay Rockefeller
United States Senator
Nick Rahall
U.S. Representative
Pat Toomey
United States Senator
Robert Byrd
Former United States Senator
Shelley Moore Capito
United States Representative
Joe Donnelly
United States Senator