Heather Bresch famous quotes


  • Opportunity lives at the intersection of what people need tomorrow and can be just barely built today.

  • Our laws need to reflect the evolution of technology and the changing expectations of American society. This is why the Constitution is often called a 'living' document.

  • Our responses to the world are crucially moulded by the company we keep, for we temper our curiosity to fit in with the expectations of others.

  • Future orientation is combined with a notion and expectation of progress, and nothing is impossible.

  • Regulators have not been able to achieve the level of future clarity required to act pre-emptively. The problem is not lack of regulation but unrealistic expectations. What we confront in reality is uncertainty, some of it frighteningly so ...

  • Uh... what can I say? Made money. Given a launch pad for a working life. Set a precedent I had no interest in following. Created expectations that I was not cut-out to match. Disappointed virtually all of my readers subsequently. But I like what I've done, and I stand by it all.

  • All the English speakers, or almost all, have difficulties with the gender of words.

  • I find the question of whether gender differences are biologically determined or socially constructed to be deeply disturbing.

  • Gender is between your ears and not between your legs.

  • Until we as a gender refuse to wear any shoe that would be uncomfortable to walk a mile in, we’re perfectly screwed.