“You have to respect everybodys desires and way of living.”
Source : "Juan Pablo Galavis: Gays Should Not Be Allowed To Be ‘The Bachelor’". Interview with Sean Daly, thetvpage.com. January 17, 2014.
“Although the paranoiacs make the great leaders, it's the resenters who make their best instruments because the resenters, those men with cancer of the psyche, make the great assassins.”
Source : Richard Condon (2005). “The Manchurian Candidate”, Wheeler Pub Incorporated
“Never thought I’d intentionally sleep on a bathromm floor next to a toilet while sober, but I meant it when I said I would sleep anywhere with her.”
“You don't have the bug, so go do what makes you happy.”
Source : Source: www.rollingstone.com
“I feel like fashion is becoming more inclusive, partly because the industry is finally getting that beauty exists in so many ways, and partly because thanks to Instagram, girls can create their own images, or remix images they're seeing in magazines and fashion shows, in ways that weren't possible before.”
“I love my dad; I'm a daddy's girl, all the way.”
Source : Source: collider.com
“Remember that for every technique you think you can fall back on, there is a counter for it, or there are times when it cannot be used. When real battle comes, you must remember that some things will not be applicable. Don't think that any one technique is quintessential.”
“When you have a choice, choose happy!”