“It isn't that I dislike artists, but I can't stand anyone who puts on those ponderous airs of a man of character.”
“Because of her singing they all went away feeling moved, feeling comforted, feeling, perhaps, the slightest tremors of faith.”
“I'm nuts and I know it. But so long as I make 'em laugh, they ain't going to lock me up.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“Racial oppression of black people in America has done what neither class oppression or sexual oppression, with all their perniciousness, has ever done: destroyed an entire people and their culture.”
“I'm not mean, just aggressive.”
“No particular motive for living, except the custom and habit of it.”
Source : "Thackeray and his Novels" by William Makepeace Thackeray, Blackwood's Mag, January 1854.
“I want to use my position of leadership to help move along at a faster pace what I believe and know the Obama administration wants to do around the urgency of climate change.”
Source : "Kamala Harris: Democrats' anti-Palin". www.politico.com. December 24, 2010.
“A studio session ... provides the greatest chance for control. Even though there is total freedom, I still dislike studio photography and the contrived images that usually stem from this genre.”
Source : Eve Arnold (1987). “Marilyn Monroe--an appreciation”, Alfred A. Knopf