#Acceptance Quotes #Self Quotes #Humanness Is Quotes
“If I could change one thing about myself... I would try to control my generosity.”
Source : Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
“If you go deep enough into any faith tradition, you find the common ground with all faith traditions.”
“In Proverbs we read: 'He that winneth souls is wise.' If any man, women, or child by a godly life and example can win one soul to God, his life will not have been a failure. He will have outshone all the mighty men of his day, because he will have set a stream in motion that will flow on and on forever and ever.”
“If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation, it would be the ability for each individual to learn to laugh at himself.”
“Reading the features you would get the impression that this year's crop of rods will allow you to cast from here to eternity, with a rod so light you need to tie it to your wrist to stop it blowing away.”
“An entrepreneur is someone who dares to dream the dreams and is foolish enough to try to make those dreams come true.”
“Kevin Garnett did the classic hold me back but fall away at the same time.”
“Our heaven is their hell, said God. I like a balanced universe.”
Chip Wilson Businessman