“God…is the center of all selves.”
“I am just a businessman, giving the people what they want,”
“A book should either allow us to escape existence or teach us how to endure it.”
Source : David Shields (2013). “How Literature Saved My Life”, p.197, Vintage
“I'm always sort of anticipating life being difficult, but on a basic level, that's sort of on the surface, on a basic level, I'm optimistic in the sense that I think it's all going to be alright in the end.”
“There is a fragrance in the air, a certain passage of a song, an old photograph falling out from the pages of a book, the sound of somebody's voice in the hall that makes your heart leap and fills your eyes with tears. Who can say when or how it will be that something easters up out of the dimness to remind us of a time before we were born and after we will die?”
“It was finally becoming clear to her that love wasn't about finding someone perfect to marry. Love was about seeing through to the truth of a person, and accepting all their shades of light and dark. Love was an ability.”
“Let's hope you feel better now.”
“Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness.”
Source : Barbara Johnson (1996). “The Joy Journal”, Thomas Nelson