#Numbers Quotes #Study Quotes #Mathematics Quotes
“I understood that menstruation - the indication that you're a real woman - stopped if you grew weak from illness”
“I mean, let's face it, it's 2000 and people are beginning to wake up on some level. I think that, as I was saying earlier, there's just no denying the impact that showing people the truth can have. It allows people to understand themselves, and when you understand yourself you can understand the people around you. And then you can begin to let go of all the bullshit that leads into things like world wars, racism, stereotypes, and bigotry.”
Source : Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
“I know I'm incapable of orchestrating an entire film.”
“If you're not confident in the authority of the Scriptures, you will be a slave to what sounds right.”
“I have told myself a hundred times that painting - that is, the material thing called a painting - is no more than a pretext, the bridge between the mind of the painter and the mind of the spectator.”
“I try to be the best man I can for the day.”
“And if anyone asks what became of me, you relate my life in all its wonder, and end it with a simple and modest "He died.”
“Iraq was invaded to secure Israel and everybody knows it.”
Carl Pomerance
Daniel J. Bernstein Mathematician
Leonard Adleman Computer Scientist