“The great thing about improvisation is that it allows us to establish an uncensored form of theater. Freedom of speech is absolutely inherent to artistic expression.”
Source : FaceBook post by Lucien Bourjeily from Oct 20, 2009
“It's not long-term debt if the money is immediately paid back.”
Source : "Blunt: Budget doesn't go far enough". Interview with James Hohmann and Mike Allen, www.politico.com. February 14, 2011.
“Tennyson seems to be the patron saint of the wishy washies, which is perhaps why I admire him so much, not only as a poet, but as a man.”
“The helmet has a special meaning for many drivers. How important is it to you? - It protects my head.”
Source : "Top Gear", March 11, 2012.
“Whenever I'm faced with a difficult decision, I ask myself, 'What would I do if I weren't afraid of making a mistake? Feeling rejected? looking foolish? Or being alone?' I know for sure that when you remove the fear, the answer that you've been searching for comes into focus and as you walk into your fear, you should know for sure that your deepest struggle can, if you're willing and open, produce your greatest strength.”
“If you claim to 'love' animals but you eat animal products, you need to think critically about how you understand love.”
“I have about four different endeavors I'm going after right now. They all excite me in different ways. I'm all about keeping as many irons in the fire as possible. I'm writing music, trying to write a book (aren't we all?), putting a festival together, speaking... It keeps life interesting.”
Source : "Interview with Kevin Griffin of Better Than Ezra". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, www.marandapleasantmedia.com.
“[this element], the seat of the appetites and of desire in general, does in a sense participate in principle, as being amenable and obedient to it”