#Winning Quotes #Asking Quotes #Earth Quotes
“I don't know if any specific religion is the one to subscribe to. I'm not saying, one way or the other. I don't want to get involved in that. But, I think having faith in this experience we are having as a group of people on Earth helps a lot.”
“The silence often of pure innocence persuades when speaking fails.”
“Lost In Space fans are going to get organized, because we'll see them showing up in all the theatres.”
“My soul is in the sky.”
“Fortunately, we are not in control.”
“As with much of the world's problems, they become public--or much more of interest--the moment they begin to impact the West.”
“(Actually now I’m remembering that the goodbye chow isn’t spelled that way. It’s ciao or something weird like that. It’s Italian, right? But I’m not an Italian gypsy, I’m a hungry gypsy. So spelling it chow makes total sense.)”
“The longer you live, the longer you hear the repetitiveness of things. So, it's hard to get excited about new stuff.”
Source : Source: www.theaquarian.com
Bill Shoemaker Jockey
Dick Francis Jockey
Steve Cauthen Jockey