“I remember being in strong physics, physiology and biology classes.”
“We've begun to long for the pitter-patter of little feet - so we bought a dog. Well, it's cheaper, and you get more feet.”
“You're only as good as the people you hire.”
Source : "Biography / Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“Doing what you wanted to do was the only training, and the only preliminary, needed for doing more of what you wanted to do.”
Source : Kingsley Amis (1992). “Lucky Jim”, Penguin Classics
“Sometimes love burns so hot in your veins that it consumes all rational thought. You become a walking shell that can no longer function without your significant other whispering into your soul, telling your heart to beat.”
Source : FaceBook post by Teresa Mummert from Dec 30, 2013
“All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.”
Source : John Locke (1821). “Two treatises of government”, p.191
“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.”
Source : " 'Hope' is the thing with feathers" l. 1 (ca. 1862) SeeWoody Allen 20
“It is because God is infinitely great and good that his glory is the end of all things; and his good pleasure the highest reason for whatever comes to pass. What is man that he should contend with God, or presume that his interests rather than God's glory should be made the final end?”
Source : Charles Hodge (1872). “Systematic Theology”, p.339