#Mistake Quotes #Enemy Quotes #Haste Quotes
“When a man has written a role for you that you admire, the expectations are higher.”
Source : Interview with Eric Moro and Brian Linder, www.ign.com. February 6, 2008.
Source : "What goes into designing The Biggest Loser's sets, stages, and chill rooms?". Interview with AVC, tv.avclub.com. June 27, 2016.
“Mr. Brad Delp. J'ai une ame solitaire. I am a lonely soul,”
“I write in blood because I remember what it felt like to bleed.”
“Good choreography fuses eye, ear and mind.”
Source : Arlene Croce (1977). “Afterimages”
“..I wanted to create music that was so different that my mother could tell me from anyone else”
Alexander Kotov
Irving Chernev
Chess Player
Jacques Mieses
Max Euwe
Mikhail Chigorin
Chess Player
Richard Reti
Chess Player
Rudolf Spielmann
Chess Player
Savielly Tartakower