Irving Chernev famous quotes
The sign of a great Master is his ability to win a won game quickly and painlessly
-- Irving Chernev -
On the chessboard, if nowhere else, justice does triumph.
-- Irving Chernev -
The best initial move for white is 1. P-K4.
-- Irving Chernev -
If once a man delays castling and his king remains in the center, files will open up against him, bishops sweep the board, rooks will dominate the seventh rank, and pawns turn into queens.
-- Irving Chernev -
Play the move that forces the win in the simplest way. Leave the brilliancies to Alekhine, Keres and Tal.
-- Irving Chernev -
The greatest compliment one can pay a master is to compare him with Capablanca.
-- Irving Chernev
Sixteen million colors in your palette are hard for any artist, especially a beginner, to turn down.
But beginners to the World Economics Forum have to understand there is no single Davos experience, and there is no single Davos community either. There are numerous tribes who interact only at a minimal level.
I can remember when, as a beginner, I was delighted with any ball as long as it would bounce.
Every Chess master was once a beginner
During a Chess competition a Chessmaster should be a combination of a beast of prey and a monk
Capablanca used to talk calmly and moderately about everything. However, when our conversation turned to the problems of the battle for the world championship, in front of me was a quite different person: an enraged lion, although with the fervour typical only of a southerner, with his temperamental patter, which made it hard to follow the torrent of his indignant exclamations and words.
Since one cannot visually experience the presence of the Supersoul, He appears before us as a liberated devotee. Such a spiritual master is none other than Krishna himself.
Painting seems an old man's business. After a certain time you're out of it, and you just paint masterpieces.
To mention only contemporaries, Delacroix, Corot, Millet, Rousseau, Courbet are masters. And finally [I like] all those [painters] who loved and had a strong feeling for nature.
It is a very difficult job, being the servant of two masters.
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