“The joy of the Lord is your strength.”
“I can get a firestorm going anywhere in the United States by saying 'O.J.'”
Source : "F. Lee Bailey: Paper proves OJ Simpson's innocence". www.foxnews.com. January 11, 2011.
“I'm not just trying to be a good game manager. I'm trying to be great.”
“what was the right level of prosperity, the level that banished dire need but did not satiate, the level that did not threaten the artist in the individual? And how did one stop when one arrived at it?”
Source : Nayantara Sahgal (1963). “From fear set free”
“Life is hard and astonishingly complicated.... No one great reform will make it easy. Most of us who work -- or want to work -- will always have trouble or discontent. So we must learn to be calm, and train all our faculties, and make others happy.”
Source : Sinclair Lewis (2012). “The Job: An American Novel”, p.266, The Floating Press
“Be assured that Christianity is something more than forms and creeds and ceremonies: there is life, and power, and reality, in our holy faith.”
“Primary revelation came through Jesus Christ, and I find it distasteful that additional divine finger prints should appear in nature.”
“What I like about baroque is the reemergence of pre-Christian religion. The art of baroque mixes ancient pre-Christian myths with Christian imagery and each reflects upon the other.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com