#Beauty Quotes #Strong Quotes #Roots Quotes
“Everyone had clearly spent far too long perfecting their appearance. I used to feel intimidated by people like this; now I see them as walking insecurity beacons, slaves to the perceived judgment of others, trapped within a self- perpetuating circle of crushing status anxiety.”
“Fire-wood makes you warm three times; first collecting it, secondly shifting it and third when you burn it.”
“Sell yourself first, if you want to sell anything.”
“People working on bigger ideas on a more protracted timeline will be more on the stealth side. They aren't releasing new PR announcements every day. The bigger the secret and the likelier it is that you alone have it, the more time you have to execute. There may be far more people going after hard secrets than we think.”
“There are many women who came before me who didn't really have the same opportunities that I have had. That's why I always wanted to be a great ambassador - not only today's generation - but for the women who really didn't have a voice, but who paved the way for me.”
“Roots of the weed sucked first life from the genesis of earth and hold the essence of it still. Always the weed returns; the cultured plant retreats before it.”
“My shadow in my art is one way I trace who I was and where I have been. My shadow and I have been on a journey for quite a while now!”
Source : Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
“For many men the denial of dependency on their mother is repeated in their subsequent relationships, sometimes by an absence of any sexual interest in women, sometimes by a pattern of loving and leaving them.”
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Francis
Pope John Paul I
Pope John Paul II Priest
Pope John XXIII
Pope Leo XIII
Pope Pius X
Pope Pius XI
Pope Pius XII