“Looking back on the long-stretched-out body of one's work, it is interesting to mark the endless duel fought within a man between the emotional and critical sides of his nature, first one, then the other, getting the upper hand, and too seldom fusing till the result has the mellowness of full achievement. One can even tell the nature of one's readers, by their preference for the work which reveals more of this side than of that.”
“What has pleased and continues to please, is likely to please again; hence are derived the rules of art, and on this immovable foundation they must ever stand.”
Source : Sir Joshua Reynolds (1906). “A Selection from the Discourses Delivered to the Students of the Royal Academy”
“They haven't any spirit in them - no proud dreams and no proud lusts; and a man who hasn't one or the other-Lord! What is he but funk and precautions.”
“It's really inspiring to know that your publisher is so behind you. It makes you want to put forth your best work.”
Source : Source: www.ign.com
“Don't expect me to be perfect. Despite all my lives, I'm still only human. I can't deliver perfection, and I'll only disappoint you. But I want you to know that you are the most important person to me. I'm trying to protect you. Sometimes I screw things up. I may even tell a white lie every now and then. But you have to give me the benefit of the doubt.”
“It is the great business of every Christian to save souls.”
“When you're providing a service to somebody, you're the guy they always call when something's wrong.”
Source : "A Chat with Computing Pioneer Steve Wozniak". "Talk of the Nation" with Ira Flatow, www.npr.org. September 29, 2006.
“Getting a project started is like moving a ship. It takes a lot of energy to build up momentum.”
Source : Susan Collins (1996). “Our Children Are Watching: Ten Skills for Leading the Next Generation to Success”, Barrytown/ Station Hill Press