#God Quotes #Crime Quotes #Creation Quotes
“I don't crave fame. I mean, it's nice to be recognized. It is useful.”
“I can take any empty space and call it a bare stage,”
“The real actor has a direct line to the collective heart.”
“So the best marriages and the deepest relationships with God grow out of the startling discovery that there is nothing one can do to earn love, and even more startling, that there is also nothing one can do to unlearn it, or to keep oneself from being loved. This is a religious awakening that is utterly different from any other religious experience, no matter how profoundly spiritual it may seem.”
“I'm a huge television fan, in general. I love TV. I love movies. I always have. It's what I do, and I love it.”
Source : Interview with Christina Radish, collider.com. June 3, 2015.
“I didn't know anything about fashion. I couldn't believe it when I got here. I don't know how I'm sitting here right now speaking English.”
“Magic is the cheat codes for the world.”
“Soul one might say is more imperfectly infinite than spirit, because soul tends to abolish the ego-consciousness that it absorbs or overwhelms, reducing its particularizing structure to pure sublime feeling (immediacy); but spirit is more successfully infinite than soul, even though also more difficult and abstruse, because it digests the functions of consciousness into itself and thus preserves and deploys the senses and intelligence of conscious ego to higher ends.”
Gordon Getty Musical composer
Lenny Bruce Comedian
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Poet
William Wordsworth Poet