#Lord Quotes #Should Quotes #Eternal Life Quotes
Source : Thomas Otway, Thomas Thornton (1813). “The Works of Mr. Thomas Otway: In Three Volumes”, p.254
“The way of architecture is the quiet voice that underlies it and has guided it from the beginning.”
“Don't ever take a shower with a woman, because you'll probably end up proposing to her”
“When the depths are upheld by the Holy Spirit, then the reaction is Christian.”
“For me, it's painful to make a movie. It's not my normal rhythm.”
“You can't break my heart. It's made of water.”
Source : Naomi Wallace (2010). “In the Heart of America and Other Plays”, p.109, ReadHowYouWant.com
“You missed a lot of heartache, sure. But David, you missed a lot of joy.”
Source : Kim Edwards (2006). “The Memory Keeper's Daughter: A Novel”, p.249, Penguin