#Foundation Quotes #Republic Quotes #Attacking Quotes
“The scary thing is that in my lifetime, 95 per cent of the world's rhinos have been killed.”
Source : "Taking Charge : Every Woman's Action Guide to Personal, Political and Professional Success". Book by Joan Steinau Lester )p. 76), 1996.
Source : Joseph Franklin Rutherford (1928). “Reconciliation: a plain statement of the gracious provision Jehovah has made to bring all men into full harmony with Himself that the obedient ones may have everlasting life on earth in contentment and complete happiness”
Source : Maxwell Maltz (2016). “Psycho-Cybernetics Deluxe Edition: The Original Text of the Classic Guide to a New Life”, p.84, Penguin
Alain Juppe
Former Prime Minister of France
Dominique de Villepin
Former Prime Minister of France
Francois Fillon
Former Prime Minister of France
Jacques Chirac
Former President of France
Jean-Francois Cope
French Politician
Laurent Fabius
Former Prime Minister of France
Lionel Jospin
Former Prime Minister of France
Nicolas Sarkozy
Former President of France
Segolene Royal
Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy