“Acting is something I appreciate, and I think it's been an amazing experience. But I'm not passionate about acting the way you probably should be to call yourself an actor.”
“Surround yourself with brilliance.”
“It's important to remember how our friends have such a powerful influence on us and vice versa. This can be a great thing as long as your friends surround you with love, loyalty, respect and positivity.”
Source : "Summers sees end to 'sense of free-fall'". Financial Times, April 09, 2009.
“If kind parents love their children and delight in their happiness, then he who is perfect goodness in sending abroad mortal contagions doth assuredly direct their use.”
Source : Benjamin Franklin, John Woolman (2010). “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, the Journal of John Woolman, Fruits of Solitude by William Penn”, p.207, Cosimo, Inc.
“America is terrified of the passage of time. Prozac Nation. Land of Face Lifts.”
“Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of a good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.”
Source : Pierre de Coubertin, Norbert Müller (2000). “Olympism: Selected Writings”, Lausanne, Switzerland : International Olympic Committee
“If I'd only followed CNBC's advice, I'd have a million dollars today. Provided I'd started with a hundred million dollars.”
“Life is a green madness just now, trying to squeeze the last bit of warmth from the season.”