Source : Charles Hodge (1841). “The Way of Life”, p.300
#Hate Quotes #Delight Quotes #True Religion Quotes
“Indifference is the saddest state of being. It's like PTSD - you're not gonna fight, you're not gonna run, you're just frozen there, feeling nothing. It's very easy to have conversations when you're sitting there feeling nothing, to talk about the weather or what you had for lunch, to Instagram what you had for lunch. We're all suffering from trauma. This world is so crazy. How do we feel safe here? I think that's the question everybody's asking, "What do I need to do to feel safe? Like I'm okay?" I don't think there's anything wrong with that.”
“I think Robert Plant is the quintessential frontman - just the way he moves. His voice is superhuman.”
“It is not the form that dictates the color, but the color that brings out the form.”
“Most extreme acts of anti-Semitism go beyond the acts of anti-Semitism by native Europeans.”
“There is a lot of kissing in 'Boeing-Boeing.' A lot! And not pecks on the cheek or lips - although there's some of that, too - but full-on, farcical lip locks. My poor husband. He definitely wasn't prepared for as much smooching as there is.”
“You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might also pray in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.”
“If a nation has not God that nation must fall, but if a nation has God then all the powers of evil, and all the armies, cannot shake its foundations; no, not even if the whole world is arrayed against it.”
“It was great to be the rock comic, the shock comic. But after you've played Giants Stadium with Bon Jovi in front of 82,000 people, after you've done the 'Wild Thing' video with Jessica Hahn and every rock band from hell, you're not gonna top that.”
Alister E. McGrath Theologian
Archibald Alexander
Archibald Alexander Hodge
B. B. Warfield
Geerhardus Vos
Herman Bavinck
James Henley Thornwell Writer
John Gresham Machen
Louis Berkhof