#Weakness Quotes #Doing You Quotes #Belief Quotes
“Nature will castigate those who don't masticate.”
“Our mission is to revive the gaming industry by increasing our user base,”
“He [D'Artangnan] succumbs to her [Miledy Winter] level of seduction and gives into it. It's only when the series starts to progress that he realizes what she's doing, and the tables turn slightly. But that relationship really pays homage to how D'Artagnan can be easily swayed. You see him grow into somebody who can actually make a decision where he's not being used and forced into doing something that he doesn't want to do.”
Source : Source: collider.com
“Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest, and like a forest it's easy to lose your way... to get lost... to forget where you came in.”
“Americans ... attach such a fantastic importance to their baths and plumbing and gadgets of all sorts. They talk as if people could hardly be human beings without all that; we in Europe are beginning to wonder if people can be human beings with it ...”
Source : Ann Bridge (2013). “Singing Waters”, p.114, A&C Black
“There is no force so democratic as the force of an ideal.”
“Being a father, well, I don't know if this is a change, but it makes me want to get out of here faster. Get off the clock. Just 'cause the baby is my reason for living, my reason for coming to work.”
Source : Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
“The animal is one with its life activity. It does not distinguish the activity from itself. It is its activity. But man makes hislife activity itself an object of his will and consciousness. He has a conscious life activity. It is not a determination with which he is completely identified.”
Jay Conrad Levinson Writer