Source : "Field Marshal Von Manstein, a Portrait" by Marcel Stein, (p. 247), April 20, 2007.
Henning von Tresckow#Men Quotes #People Quotes #Judging Quotes
“I like what you've done to your face," Ben said, tapping his eye.”
“I'm quite good, though I say it myself, at making strangers feel at ease.”
“You live day by day. You can't build your life.”
Source : "Legendary Oscar-Winner Bernardo Bertolucci’s Career Celebrated at MoMA". Interview with Brad Balfour, January 2, 2011.
“Never be diplomatic and careful about the treasure God gives. This is poverty triumphant.”
“Europe is and will be a Union of States.”
Source : Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's speech to Spanish Cortes, June 15, 2004.