#Real Quotes #Believe Quotes #Hypnosis Quotes
Source : Source: therumpus.net
“They're making me out to be a serial marrying person or something. I'm laughing at that.”
“The more people that are afraid when they see new creation, the happier I am.”
Source : "Rei Kawakubo: Exclusive Q&A". Interview with Miles Socha, wwd.com. November 19, 2012.
“The greatest strength a man can achieve is gentleness.”
Source : Monty Roberts (2002). “From My Hands to Yours: Lessons from a Lifetime of Training Championship Horses”, Monty & Pat Roberts Incorporated
Anjem Choudary
Social activist
Ann Coulter
Donald Trump
Glenn Beck
Radio host
Laura Ingraham
Radio host
Mark Levin
Megyn Kelly
Television host
Rush Limbaugh
Talk show host
Bill O'Reilly