#Class Quotes #People Quotes #Proud Quotes
“A man's mistake should not reflect on how you view yourself as a woman.”
“Each moment of life is only as precious as is our ability to attend to it.”
Source : "Memory in the Cerebral Cortex: An Empirical Approach to Neural Networks in the Human and Nonhuman Primate". Book by Joaquin M. Fuster, 1995.
“A weak faith can lay hold on a strong Christ.”
Source : Thomas Watson (2012). “The Holy Eucharist, or, the Mystery of the Lord’s Supper Briefly Explained”, p.82, Puritan Publications
Benito Mussolini
Former Duce
Charlie Chaplin
Eva Braun
Joseph Goebbels
German Politician
Joseph Stalin
Former Premier of the Soviet Union
Napoleon Bonaparte
Military Commander
Winston Churchill
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom