“People try much less hard to make a marriage work than they used to fifty years ago. Divorce is easier.”
“At times in my life the only place I have been happy is when I am on stage.”
“A growing awareness of the depth of popular attachment to the family has led some liberals to concede that family is not just a buzzword for reaction.”
“A good name is rather to be chosen than riches.”
“Afghanistan will, by the grace of God, stand on its own feet in three to four years time. Until then, of course, we need strong support from the international community, including the United States, to stay with us and support us fully.”
Source : "Afghan leader to U.S.: 'Stay with us'" by Sean Loughlin, www.cnn.com. February 27, 2003.
“Society at present suffers far more from waste of money than from want of it. There is dignity in every attempt to economise. It indicates self-denial and imparts strength of character. It produces a well-regulated mind.”
“Learning how to live in the greatest peace, partnership, and brotherhood with all men and women, of whatever description, is a moving and fascinating adventure.”
Source : Bill W. (1953). “Twelve steps and twelve traditions”, Alcoholics Anonymous World Serv inc
“The education we all receive from the State, at school and after, has so warped our minds that the very notion of freedom ends up by being lost, and disguised in servitude. It is a sad sight to see those who believe themselves to be revolutionaries unleashing their hatred on the anarchist just because his views on freedom go beyond their petty and narrow concepts of freedom learned in the State school.”
Source : "The State: Its Historic Role". Book by Peter Kropotkin, www.panarchy.org. 1897.