#Believe Quotes #Spirit Quotes #Humans Quotes
“Stand-up isn't something I just sit down and start writing - it's ideas you come up with in the shower, while you're driving, waiting in line.”
“I will miss the contact with the people - the privilege of trying to communicate to people every day that the court system is going to work for them the way it's supposed to work. That doesn't guarantee they're going to get the result they want, but the court is going to listen and follow the law and try to make a fair decision. That is an awesome privilege and responsibility I will miss.”
“First learn to love yourself, and then you can love me.”
“I'm tired of people thinking they're doing me favours.”
“There is no one best way for parents to become the parents they want to be just as there is no one best way for a child to grow into a contented and contributing member of society.”
Source : Source: www.psychologytoday.com
“Do not ask me to be kind; just ask me to act as though I were.”
“Although a biologist, I must confess I do not understand how life came about... I consider that life only starts at the level of a functional cell. The most primitive cells may require at least several hundred different specific biological macro-molecules. How such already quite complex structures may have come together, remains a mystery to me. The possibility of the existence of a Creator, of God, represents to me a satisfactory solution to this problem.”
“It is this claim to a monopoly of meaning, rather than any special scientific doctrine, that makes science and religion look like competitors today. Scientism emerged not as the conclusion of scientific argument but as a chosen element in a worldview - a vision that attracted people by its contrast with what went before - which is, of course, how people very often do make such decisions, even ones that they afterwards call scientific.”
Burnie Burns Filmmaker
Geoff Ramsey Actor
Ross O'Donovan
Ruby Rose Model