Source : Letter to Lincoln on August 06, 1863. "Garibaldi (Great Lives Observed)". Book by Denis Mack Smith, 1969.
Giuseppe Garibaldi#Treasure Quotes #Titles Quotes #Crowns Quotes
“I just think it's a really unique thing to women, this weird psychotic jealousy.”
“I love the challenge of starting at zero every day and seeing how much I can accomplish.”
“I think explicit love scenes are a turn off unless it's the kind you read with one hand.”
“Yeah, I know getting high isn't so smart. Ask me if I care.”
Source : Roger Von Oech (1986). “A Kick in the Seat of the Pants: Using Your Explorer, Artist, Judge, & Warrior to Be More Creative”, Harper Perennial
Alexandre Dumas
Benito Mussolini
Former Duce
Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour
Italian Statesman
Giuseppe Mazzini
Italian Politician
Giuseppe Verdi
Klemens von Metternich
Napoleon Bonaparte
Military Commander
Napoleon III
French member of Parliament
Otto von Bismarck