Source : "Vaccines: The Biggest Bang for the Buck in Global Health" by Seth Berkley, M.D., October 19, 2011.
#Successful Quotes #Vaccines Quotes #Bucks Quotes
“Communication is mutual feeling with someone, not a didactic process of information.”
Source : Robert Creeley (1972). “A sense of measure”, London, Calder and Boyars
“I found myself both touched and irritated by the discovery that she was vulnerable.”
“Beauty being the best of all we know sums up the unsearchable and secret aims of nature.”
“We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden.”
Source : Clinton Scollard (1916). “Ballads, Patriotic & Romantic”
Frank Rich
Graca Machel
Minister for Education and Culture of Mozambique
Gustav Nossal
Jim Yong Kim
Julio Frenk