“Samuel Clemens isn't Mark Twain. Mark Twain is Mark Twain. He doesn't become the thing until he creates himself.”
Source : "Indie author Scott McClanahan considers art and anecdote through 5 of his favorite books". Interview with Phil McCausland, www.avclub.com. July 20, 2016.
“And music has always been incredibly cathartic for me, whether it's writing my own stuff or singing other people's music; it's very freeing.”
“Good for you, you have a heart, you can be a liberal. Now, couple your heart with your brain, and you can be a conservative.”
Source : "The Glenn Beck Program", October 5, 2006.
“The trouble with Reason is that it becomes meaningless at the exact point where it refuses to act.”
“Cultures have gone down and rebuilt again and I'm sure we're all facing the same level of extinction.”
Source : Source: pitchfork.com
“Reality is a powerful solvent.”
“For me being depressed means you can spend all day in bed, and still not get a good night's rest.”
“Coyote never loses. Because I change the rules of the games my enemies play. What are the rules of your game?”