“The egoist ... destroys the universal importance accorded to moral law by showing that life independent of it is possible. Secondly, and even more intolerably to the pious, he manages to do so with shameless enjoyment.”
Source : John Carroll (2010). “Break-Out from the Crystal Palace: The Anarcho-Psychological Critique: Stirner, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky”, p.26, Taylor & Francis
“If any man think it a small matter, or of mean concernment, to bridle his tongue, he is much mistaken; for it is a point to be silent when occasion requires, and better than to speak, though never so well.”
“Rupert Murdoch's vast newspaper empire has waged a relentless pro-war propaganda war before and since the war began.”
Source : "Murdoch's war on truth in war reporting". www.smh.com.au. April 7, 2003.
“Every time we sit down to eat, we make a choice: Please choose vegetarianism. Do it for animals. Do it for the environment and do it for your health.”
Source : "Meet Your Meat". Documentary Film, May 01, 2002.
“He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up”
“There are times when silence is the most sacred of responses.”
Source : "Braude's Second Encyclopedia of Stories, Quotations and Anecdotes". Book by Jacob Morton Braude, 1957.
“Popular culture, on average, has been growing more cognitively challenging over the past thirty years, not less. Despite everything you hear about declining standards and dumbing-down, you have to do more intellectual work to make sense of today's television or games - much less the internet - than you did a few decades ago.”
“... all of us talk faster than we listen.”