#People Quotes #Generosity Quotes #Asks Quotes
Source : Daphne Du Maurier (2012). “Daphne du Maurier Omnibus 4: Rebecca; My Cousin Rachel”, p.35, Hachette UK
“Books do not make life easier or more simple, but harder and more interesting.”
Source : Harry Golden (1964). “So what else is new?”
“We have enough people who tell it like it is - now we could use a few who tell it like it can be.”
“From that day to this that religion has been the greatest curse that ever afflicted the earth.”
Source : "Evolving From Control to Connection Parenting". Interview with Allison Sutter, www.chicagonow.com. October 13, 2015.
“I consider myself an aware person who is sensitive to injustice.”
Source : Source: wordswithoutborders.org
Kenneth Boa
Max Gunther
Richard Selzer
Robert Wolgemuth
Stu Weber
Gary Inrig