#Thinking Quotes #People Quotes #Decision Quotes
Source : Source: pitchfork.com
“Now if I worry too much about all my have nots, I might not recognize just what I've got...”
“I keep saying I'm going to cut back on styling, but it's hard to give up.”
Source : Source: www.bookbrowse.com
Source : Ralph Cudworth, Thomas Birch (1838). “The True Intellectual System of the Universe: Wherein All the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is Confuted, and Its Impossibility Demonstrated. A Treatise on Immutable Morality; with a Discourse Concerning the True Notion of the Lord's Supper: and Two Sermons on 1. John 2: 3, 4, and 1. Cor. 15: 27”, p.423