“I think the damned souls in hell must spend half their time wondering what it was that they really meant to do.”
Source : Elizabeth Marie Pope, Richard Cuffari (2001). “The Perilous Gard”, p.64, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
“I guess for me, balance isn't about treating your time like a pie chart and dividing it into equally sized slices for you, the kids, work, and so on. It's about the quality of how you spend your time, not the quantity--are you being present and focused on whatever you're doing while you're doing it? I truly believe that's how you can be the best version of yourself, whether you're in work mode, mom mode, or wife mode. When I know I'm giving my undivided attention in each of these areas, I don't feel so guilty about the time spent away from them.”
Source : Jessica Alba (2013). “The Honest Life (Enhanced Edition): Living Naturally and True to You”, p.181, Rodale
“After forty years of intensive research on school learning in the United States as well as abroad, my major conclusion is: What any person in the world can learn, almost all persons can learn if provided with appropriate prior and current conditions of learning.”
Source : Benjamin Samuel Bloom, Lauren A. Sosniak (1985). “Developing talent in young people”
“Even a minute of dying is better than an eternity of nothingness.”
“Stamford Bridge holds 42,000. So ten per cent of that would be about 4.1 thousand”
“I have hardly detained the reader long enough on the subject, to give him a just impression of the stress laid on confession. It is one of the great points to which our attention was constantly directed.”
Source : Maria Monk, Theodore Dwight, John Jay Slocum, William K. Hoyte (1836). “Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk: As Exhibited in a Narrative of Her Sufferings During a Residence of Five Years as a Novice, and Two Years as a Black Nun, in the Hotel Dieu Nunnery at Montreal”, p.78, New York : Howe & Bates
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
Source : Address on first anniversary of Alliance for Progress, 13 Mar. 1962
“[There was] only one news channel, overseen by a bland and complexly multicultural board of advisors. It broadcast in fifteen languages and was, as a rule, interesting in none of them.”