#People Quotes #Ordinary Quotes #Delight Quotes
Source : Sam Levenson (2016). “In One Era and Out the Other: A Life's Journey”, p.5, Open Road Media
“Our attitude in the face of life's challenges determines our suffering or our freedom.”
“There are a lot of difficult situations that lead to awkwardness.”
Source : "'Conchords': HBO's new 'mascots' for New Zealand". Interview with Christine Fenno, ew.com. June 14, 2007.
Source : Source: www.avclub.com
“Democracy no longer works for the poor if politicians treat them as a separate race.”
Alan Kay
Computer Scientist
Alan Perlis
Computer Scientist
Bill Joy
Computer Scientist
Edsger Dijkstra
Computer Scientist
Guy Steele
Computer Scientist
Jamie Zawinski
P. J. Plauger
Steve Yegge
Video Game Developer