#Ecosystems Quotes #Soil Quotes #Assets Quotes
“For to desire is better than to possess, the finality of the end was dreaded as deeply as it was desired.”
Source : D. H. Lawrence (2016). “D. H. Lawrence: The Complete Novels (Book House)”, p.1143, Book House
“These days, the Rolling Stones still have an edge, but that fangs-out ferocity has mellowed considerably.”
“The sexual revolution produced cultural convulsions that were unparalleled in the 20th century. The female sex was historically sexualized and required to have ***** for the first time. Sexual "deviants," particularly homosexuals, achieved partial emancipation.”
“I often think people on opposite sides of the political spectrum may have similar values around care, around thriving or around independence, or around helping the disadvantaged, but they have different ideologies, different ideas and philosophies about how to go about that. It's important that we start to see each others humanness, while at the same time not losing sight of those differences, views and speeches and actions that do cause harm, that we're clearly taking a stand against.”
“More and more I'm aware that the permutations are not unlimited.”
“You've got to be very cognizant of the correlation between social media links and business because they don't always correlate as highly as people would like.”
“The truth is far beyond what we can see. Therefore my art is an invitation to comprehend this fact.”
“Though a woman tempted man to eat, my dear Longfellow," said Holmes, "you never hear of Eve having to do with his drinking, for he took to that of his own notion.”
Dwayne Andreas
Ellen Gustafson Businessperson
Kathy Calvin
Peter Buffett Musician
Warren Buffett Investor