Peter Buffett famous quotes
We are stronger than we think we are. We have courage that we do not recognize until we need it. We are equal to challenges that we haven't even imagined yet
-- Peter Buffett -
Inside any important philanthropy meeting, you witness heads of state meeting with investment managers and corporate leaders. All are searching for answers with their right hand to problems that others in the room have created with their left.
-- Peter Buffett -
Mistakes are very seldom permanent, most of them can be fixed with less difficulty and drama than one imagines, and there's nothing shameful about them. There is, however, something sad and limiting about the fear of making them.
-- Peter Buffett -
It didn't matter how big our house was; it mattered that there was love in it.
-- Peter Buffett -
In some ways, it's easier to settle for someone else's version of success than to risk falling short at one's own.
-- Peter Buffett -
The world over, give a guy money and it goes to drinking, gambling, and women. When you give a woman money, it goes to feeding, clothing, helping people.
-- Peter Buffett -
What we have is a crisis of imagination. Albert Einstein said that you cannot solve a problem with the same mind-set that created it.
-- Peter Buffett -
Things like science and technology still leave some gaps, so it's not as if everybody was sitting around doing nothing, but the bureaucracy and the whole structure of our culture is basically built out of men trying to be legitimate and making things up so they look important.
-- Peter Buffett -
Power over seems to be driving our very young species into a ditch because it's from an old competitive, "there may not be enough" kind of framework of scarcity. Power with is thinking abundantly as opposed to fearfully. Power with is hopefully where we're going - and where we need to go as a species in order to survive.
-- Peter Buffett -
America comes from a flawed but wonderful idea. Many great things have sprung forth over the past few hundred years but there were deep issues in the beginning that now are starting to show up.
-- Peter Buffett -
If you can intuit well, you're essentially meeting the future faster.
-- Peter Buffett -
Patriarchy is connected to greed, a symptom of a larger force that can only be dispelled through kindness and love. It's basic Buddhism.
-- Peter Buffett -
I think influence is one way to exercise power and that the challenge is whether it is power over or power with. That's the essential shift that I hope can happen in the world.
-- Peter Buffett -
I think the antidote to any symptom borne of fear and scarcity is love. Compassion, understanding, respect, honor: all the things we need to help the world heal begin there.
-- Peter Buffett -
It's no surprise that if you look at the development of the economy, of consumerism, of all these things that have gotten out of hand over the last hundred years, it happened when men were purposeless, when they didn't actually have a legitimate reason to be moving the species forward because the machines were doing all the hard work.
-- Peter Buffett -
My gut sense is there's something necessary going on and if I'm too fearful or angry, I feel like I'm feeding it.
-- Peter Buffett -
Thinking that everything must be bigger to matter is a problem. Small power emanates and disseminates in a very different way.
-- Peter Buffett -
The more history I read, the more everything seems to point to the same thing.
-- Peter Buffett -
Try and identify where the money can go to create conditions for true systemic change.
-- Peter Buffett -
We have to be in abundance and recognize that we're just a small piece of this big thing that's moving along the biosphere, earth, evolution and consciousness and we'd better humble ourselves and start loving each other.
-- Peter Buffett -
Whatever shift is necessary is dependent on the scale on which it can be implemented, which is to say in your local community and family.
-- Peter Buffett -
It's very powerful if you can home in on, and really trust, intuition and its strength. Most men have shunned that in so many ways that they end up squaring off the circle of life.
-- Peter Buffett
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