#Purpose Quotes #Defeated Quotes #Reason Quotes
“I am just turning 40 and taking my time about it.”
“It has a lot to do with just sort of trust in the relationship that builds between the filmmaker and the subject. There are some people who will never be relaxed in front of a camera, and in some ways that's my failing as a filmmaker to not put them at ease. It's also a function of time, and if you have that type of time.”
Source : Source: www.indiewire.com
“On a grander scale, when a society segregates itself, the consequences affect the economy, the emotions, and the ecology. That's one reason why it's easy for pro-lifers to eat factory-raised animals that disrespect everything sacred about creation. And that is why it's easy for rabid environmentalists to hate chainsaws even though they snuggle into a mattress supported by a black walnut bedstead.”
“It’s only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve.”
“If you bet on individuals instead of the people, you are going to fail.”
“I admire Serena Williams, because, I mean, who doesn't admire Serena Williams?”
“If you want to do a movie about aliens coming down to Earth nowadays, you need to do it with a smile. When Tim Burton did Mars Attacks, he tried to make it a little bit kitschy, because it's not scary for people anymore. It's not scary that birds will attack you anymore, but I'm sure it was when Alfred Hitchcock made it. And it still is when you watch it.”
“My reaction to a lot of the current situation that we're in is based in part on a serious concern that the present administration's course ignores reality.”
A. A. Allen
E. W. Kenyon
F. F. Bosworth
Frank Bartleman Writer
Jack Coe
James Gordon Lindsay Author
John G. Lake
Samuel Chadwick
Smith Wigglesworth Evangelist