Frank Bartleman famous quotes
The depth of our repentance will determine the depth of our revival.
-- Frank Bartleman -
A revival almost always begins among the laity. The ecclesiastical leaders seldom welcome reformation. History repeats itself. The present leaders are too comfortably situated as a rule to desire innovation that might require sacrifice on their part. And God's fire only falls on sacrifice. An empty altar receives no fire!
-- Frank Bartleman -
God has always sought a humble people. He can use no other... There is always much need of heart preperation, in humility and separation, before God can consistently come. The depth of any revival will be determined exactly by the spirit of repentance that is obtained. In fact, this is key to every true revival born of God.
-- Frank Bartleman -
Men's hearts are being is a tremendous sifting time, not only of actions but of inner motives. Nothing can escape the all-searching eye of God.
-- Frank Bartleman -
The very truths that gave birth to the Pentecostal movement are today generally rejected as too strong.
-- Frank Bartleman -
The depth of revival will be determined exactly by the depth of the spirit of repentance.
-- Frank Bartleman -
The deepest repentance and humility and our own frailty and weakness must be realized before we can know God's strength.
-- Frank Bartleman -
When HOLINESS loses its sweetness it is a fierce thing to come in contact with.
-- Frank Bartleman
The proof of the depth and embodiment of your realization will be seen in your love relationship. That's where the proof is in the pudding. If it all collapses in your relationship, you have some work to do. And people do have a lot of difficulties in their relationships.
Richard A. Posner is an extraordinary person. If he did not exist, it would be hard to believe that he could. (...) He writes with a flair that puts most journalists to shame and a depth of knowledge that puts most professors to shame.
Some people in your life Touch you so very deeply That you drown totally in that depth.
An author who sets his reader on sounding the depths of his own thoughts serves him best.
The only reason we don't have revival is because we are willing to live without it!
When God becomes routine rather than revival, it's time to switch things up.
It may be doubted whether any repentance is genuine which is not repentance for sin rather than sins
Whatever the cost of repentance, it is swallowed up in the joy of forgiveness.
What the pundits call wishy-washiness, the Bible calls repentance.
Hasty counsels are generally followed by repentance.
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