#Mistake Quotes #Discovery Quotes #Doorways Quotes
“When talking w/kids its not what we say but how we say it! Think about your tone of voice & non-verbal communication. When talking to my kids I can get them to listen better by not talking down to them, but talking to them at eyeball level”
“Trade him for a six pack; it doesn't even have to be cold.”
“My aim is to say that the machinery of the heavens is not like a divine animal but like a clock (and anyone who believes a clock has a soul gives the work the honour due to its maker) and that in it almost all the variety of motions is from one very simple magnetic force acting on bodies, as in the clock all motions are from a very simple weight.”
“Where once the student was taught that the unexamined life was not worth living, he is now taught that the profitably lived life is not worth examining.”
“It is very well to be able to write a book, but can you waggle your ears?”
“People let their own hang-ups become the obstacles between them and personal happiness.”
“For any artistic person who creates imaginary people, the art is like inhabiting the life and mind of a seven-year-old child with imaginary friends and imaginary events and imaginary grace and imaginary tragedy. Within that alternate universe, the characters do have quite a bit of free will. I know it's happening in my mind and my mind alone, but they seem to have their own ability to shape their destinies. So I'm not shooting for anything. If the characters are vulnerable it's simply because they're very human.”
“History,' Mari muttered, as if she'd overheard his thoughts. 'Why do we need to know what happened before we were born?' 'So hopefully we get smarter and don't make the same mistakes again.”
Wade Boggs Baseball player