Source : "The civil service is not full of fat cats" by Gus O'Donnell, November 10, 2010.
#Country Quotes #Dedication Quotes #Proud Quotes
Source : Campaign remark, Fresno, Cal., 10 Sept. 1952. John F. Parker, in "If Elected, I Promise ...": Stories and Gems of Wisdom by and About Politicians (1969), attributes the reverse statement to Chauncey Depew (1834 - 1928): "If you will refrain from telling any lies about the Republican party, I'll promise not to tell the truth about the Democrats."
Source : "Some Black Pastors See New Aid Under Bush" by John Leland, February 2, 2001.
“God does not call us to be successful, but to be obedient.”
Francis Maude
British Politician
Gordon Brown
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Herbert Simon
John Major
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Liam Fox
British Politician
Richard Layard, Baron Layard