Source : James Howell (1660). “Lexicon Tetraglotton, an English-French-Italian-Spanish Dictionary: Whereunto is Adjoined a Large Nomenclature of the Proper Terms (in All the Four) Belonging to Several Arts and Sciences, to Recreations, to Professions Both Liberal and Mechanick, &c. Divided Into Fiftie Two Sections; with Another Volume of the Choicest Proverbs in All the Said Toungs, (consisting of Divers Compleat Tomes)”, p.13
James Howell#Money Quotes #Want Quotes #Purses Quotes
Source : Roger Housden (2014). “Keeping the Faith Without a Religion”, p.8, Sounds True
“Note to self: no matter how bad life gets, there's always beer.”
Source : "My Year Of Flops Norm MacDonald's Film Career Died For Your Sins Case File #133: Dirty Work" by Nathan Rabin, March 18, 2009.
“A good idea is something like an emotion, you just can't keep it in.”
Source : "Film 101: Kevin Costner Breaks Down the Business". Interview with Adam Pockross, January 10, 2014.
Source : Colleen Hoover (2013). “Hopeless”, p.323, Simon and Schuster